Thursday, 22 December 2011

Produksi Awal Vespa

1943 MP 5 Paperino/Donal Bebek

Ide untuk membuat sebuah produk untuk konsumsi massa dengan biaya murah telah memacu semangat Enrico Piaggio untuk mempelajari dan menemukan solusi agar tetap dapat melanjutkan produksi pada masa perang berakhir. Di sebuah pabrik di kota Biella, terciptalah skuter motor yang prototipenya dibuat oleh Ir. Renzo Spolti bersama stafnya. Skuter ini diberi nama MP5 (Moto Piaggio 5), sedangkan para buruh menyebutnya “Donal Bebek”. Namun ternyata Enrico Piaggio kurang menyukai prototipe itu. Karena itulah ia mempercayakan Corradino D’Ascanio untuk mempertimbangkan lagi dan membuat sesuatu yang berbeda dan lebih maju baik dari segi teknis maupun desain. D’Ascanio tidak melakukan perubahan pada skuter Donal Bebek itu, tetapi ia menciptakan kendaraan yang sama sekali baru, yaitu Vespa!
Sebelum Vespa, skuter Donal Bebek itu sempat diproduksi sekitar 100 buah. Saat ini skuter itu sangat diminati dan dicari oleh para kolektor seluruh dunia.

1945 MP 6 Prototype

Pada bulan April 1946, sepeda motor ringan dan serbaguna ini diperkenalkan untuk pertama kalinya kepada publik di sebuah perkumpulan pemain golf di Roma. Di perisainya terpasang logo Piaggio baru untuk pertama kalinya, menggantikan lambang pesawat yang ada di sana sebelumnya.
Majalah “Motorciclismo” dan “La Moto” memuat skuter baru ini sebagai cover majalah mereka dan langsung menimbulkan rasa penasaran, keterkejutan dan bahkan, skeptisme di masyarakat.
50 buah berasal dari pabrik di Pontedera sekaligus ditawarkan pada acara launching resminya. Pemasaran Vespa, pada bulan-bulan pertama dilakukan melalui jaringan dealer mobil Lancia. Pada tahun pertama telah memproduksi 2.484 buah. Inilah awal petualangan skuter yang paling terkenal di dunia. Harga model ini adalah £55.000, sedang versi deluxe dijual dengan harga £66.000.

1946 Vespa 98

Pada seri kedua, Vespa 98 diproduksi sebanyak 16.500 buah. Terlihat perbaikan yang signifikan dibanding pendahulunya, baik dari segi estetika maupun teknis-fungsionalnya. Bagian depan tak lagi memiliki bukaan pintu dan ukurannya diperkecil agar penggantian roda lebih mudah. Ini karena pada masa seusai perang, kondisi jalan sangat buruk sehingga mudah terjadi kebocoran ban. Tuas starternya memiliki bentuk yang lebih ergonomis sehingga lebih mudah dioperasikan. Selain itu terdapat perubahan ukuran dan bentuk lampu-lampunya.
Warna silver metaliknya mengingatkan kita pada pesawat Piaggio. Majalah-majalah yang terbit saat itu mengabarkan bahwa untuk dapat memiliki Vespa 98, peminat harus menunggu (inden) hingga delapan bulan. Akibatnya muncul pasar gelap sehingga Vespa dijual dua kali lipat dari harga resminya, yaitu £55.000 untuk model basic dan £61.000 untuk model mewah.


Populasi “swarm silver” yang memenuhi jalan-jalan di Italia mendatangkan ide di benak Enrico Piaggio untuk memproduksi kendaraan yang lebih agresif, mampu berakselerasi dengan cepat dan menjadi kampiun diluar karakter Vespa kebanyakan. Hasilnya adalah Vespa 98 yang berhasil merebut gelar terbaik di Monte Mario hill climb di 1947 dengan ditunggangi oleh Joseph Cautriumphs. Vespa 98 Corsa (sirkuit) dibuat untuk memenuhi kebutuhan akan kecepatan di berbagai kompetisi dan merepresentasikan inovasi dan teknologi yang diimplementasikan Vespa di setiap produknya. Body hand made yang dicangkok di atas frame baja dengan mount tube dab suspense di kanan, rem tromol serta lubang ventilasi udara di belakang untuk mendinginkan kerja mesin merupakan inovasi paling canggih saat itu. Belum lagi sistem transmisi 3-speed, switch di setang hingga tipe karburator Garde 17 mm plus laburan warna merah, menjadi sangat imajinatif, dari awal kelahiran sang “Lebah” hingga saat ini.

1949 Vespa 125 Circuito

Pada akhir tahun 40an, produsen sepeda motor besar beranggapan bahwa cara terbaik untuk mengiklankan kendaraan mereka adalah dengan mengikuti lomba yang diadakan di sejumlah kota. Tujuannya adalah untuk mendekatkan masyarakat umum pada sektor otomotif sehinga bisa menambah pelanggan-pelanggan baru yang potensial. Piaggio juga merancang serangkaian skuter sirkuit seperti produk tahun 1949 ini yang sejak awal dirancang untuk tujuan tersebut. Selain untuk iklan, Vespa Circuito 125 juga berguna sebagai uji coba untuk menguji produk baru yang kemudian diterapkan pada produk-produk standar.
Vespa balap, dibuat sepenuhnya manual oleh spesialis dari Divisi Eksperimen (R&D) Piaggio dan digunakan dalam berbagai perlombaan sampai pertengahan tahun 50an. Skuter ini dikendarai oleh pembalap terkenal seperti Dino Mazzoncini dan Giuseppe Cau. Khusus Giuseppe Cau, dia memenangkan perlombaan dengan menggunakan kronometer di Catania-Etna pada tahun 1950 dan keluar sebagai juara pertama di kelasnya (125cc), menempati urutan ketiga dalam klasemen keseluruhan dibelakang Guzzi dan Benelli.

 1950 Vespa Monthlery

Untuk mempromosikan citra sporti Vespa, Piaggio memerintahkan tim ahlinya untuk lebih fokus pada pencatatan rekor dengan tujuan untuk mengabadikan tradisi keunggulan dalam penelitian yang sudah dicapai perusahaan ini sebelum perang.
Pada tanggal 7 April 1950 di sirkuit Montlhery, Perancis, dalam 10 jam pengujian dengan tiga pembalap yang bergantian, Vespa memenangkan 17 buah rekor dunia. Termasuk dalam catatan waktu (rata-rata 134 km/jam) dari 100 mil, (rata-rata 129,7 km/jam) dari 500 mil, (rata-rata 123,9 km/jam) dari 1.000 km (rata-rata 124,3 km/jam) dalam waktu 10 jam dan jarak 1.049 km.
Dengan kendaraan yang sangat mirip dengan ini ( Vespa 125 ‘circuit’ dengan bingkai paduan dari tahun 1949), pembalap Mazzoncini juga memperoleh hasil yang cemerlang pada lomba di sirkuit. Di antaranya adalah kemenangan di kelas sirkuit skuter di Genoa (Italia) yang merupakan tantangan antara Vespa dan Lambretta.

Hanya Besi Tua Yang Tak Bernilai

Hanya seonggok besi tua, yang sudah tahunan bahkan puluhan tahun terparkir tak karuan di pinggir kandang ayam.

Wednesday, 21 December 2011


Vespa has not only given its stamp to an entire epoch, it even became the symbol of a Europe struggling to rise from the catastrophe of the Second World War. Piaggio came out of the conflict with its Pontedera plant completely demolished by bombs.

At the company's helm was Enrico Piaggio, having taken over from his father Rinaldo. Enrico decided to leave the aeronautics field and pay his attention to problems of personal mobility. Italy's broken economy and the disastrous state of the roads did not lend to fast developments in the automobile markets. But hunger for mobility required immediate answers. From an intuition of Enrico Piaggio's, in the spring of 1946 the Vespa was born.

Corradino D'Ascanio undertook to design a simple vehicle, robust and economic but comfortable and elegant, one which could be driven easily by anyone, women too, and which would not dirty the driver's clothes and would permit carrying a passenger. D'Ascanio, a genial aeronautics engineer, had been with Piaggio since 1934 and was responsible for the project and construction of the first modern helicopter. D'Ascanio, who could not stand motorbikes, dreamed up a revolutionary vehicle. Dipping into his knowledge of aeronautics, he imagined a vehicle built on a frame and with a handlebar gear change. He mounted the engine on the rear wheel. The front fork, like an aircraft's landing gear, allowed easy wheel changing.

In April of 1946, the first 15 Vespas left the Pontedera plant. The first Vespa had a 98cc two-stroke engine giving 3.5 hp at 4,500 revs. It reached 60 kilometres per hour and had 3 gears. This was a real two-wheeled utility vehicle. But it did not resemble an uncomfortable and noisy motorbike; it emanated class and elegance at first glance.

Vespa's success was a phenomenon never to be repeated again. The end of 1949 had produced 35,000 units. Italy was getting over its war wounds and getting about on Vespas. In ten years, one million were produced. By the mid-fifties, Vespa was being produced in Germany, Great Britain, France, Belgium, Spain and, of course, Italy. and only a few years later, in India and Indonesia.

                                          Early Production of Vespa in Italy


The 125 of 1948, the legendary 150 GS of 1955, the 50cc of 1963, 1968's Primavera, the PX, born in 1978 and still today produced in the classic 125, 150 and 200cc versions are just some of the steps that have distinguished the technical and stylistic evolution of the worlds most famous two-wheeler.

But Vespa is not just a commercial phenomenon. It is an event that has involved the story of social custom. During the "Dolce Vita" years, "Vespa" meant "scooter"; foreign newspaper correspondents described Italy as "Vespa country", and the role Vespa played in Italian society is shown by its appearance in dozens of films.

One is struck by Vespa's ability to live on from one generation of youngsters to a different one, subtly modifying its image each time. The first Vespa offered mobility to everyone. Then, it became the two-wheeler for the time of economic boom. And during the sixties and seventies, it was the vehicle for the propagation of the revolution of ideas that the kids of those years were establishing. Advertising campaigns like "Who Vespas gets to eat the apple" have symbolized an era in our history, and the story goes on today with the new generation of Vespa ET.
In over 50 years of history, Vespa has fascinated millions of people, giving the whole world a unique image of Italian style, and remaining the irreplaceable means of personal transport, synonymous with freedom.
‘89 different models of the’Vespa’15 million manufactured ! ! !

From the first Vespa in 1946 with its 98 cc, to the most recent version launched in 1992, Piaggio has produced eighty-nine different models; in all these years, almost 20,000 changes have been made to the original project and more than 1,500 parts have been replaced. Without forgetting the many versions of the Cosa, which appeared in 1987.

Piaggio is the worlds only manufacturer to boast both technologies of scooter production, that of the steel bearing structure which the Vespa has adopted from the start, and that of the scooter with steel frame and technopolymer body, which Piaggio inaugurated with the Sfera in 1990. The Vespa is currently built in Italy, India and Indonesia, with engines from 50 to 200 cc, in the PX (large body) and PK FL2 (small body) versions and a Classic version for the Japanese market, where it is the best-selling two-wheeled western vehicle with eight thousand units a year. A total of approximately fifteen million Vespa scooters have been manufactured all over the world in the various versions from 1946 to the present day. 
Sixty-five years of the Vespa: the models that have made history

It is difficult to pick out the most representative Vespas from an evolution that has produced almost one hundred models. Some of them are sought after by collectors because they belong to special series, or because they were rapidly replaced by subsequent versions, and are highly priced in the period scooter market, extremely active all over the world. Others, produced in greater numbers or because they stayed on the market for longer, are classic models, which have left their mark in the history of two-wheeled mobility.

Vespa 125, 1948 - The first Vespa 125 cc. It differed from the 98 not only for the engine size, but also for the introduction of rear suspension; the front suspension was also modified.

Vespa 125, 1953 - This marked the first important change to the engine: bore and stroke and the timing gear were modified. The power increased to 5 bhp at 5,000 rpm, and the top speed to 75 km/h. The design of the fairing at the rear was also new. Vespa 125 U, 1953 - The Utility version with spartan styling, which sold at 20,000 lire less than the more modern 125. The headlamp appeared high up on the handlebar for the first time in Italy (it had already been introduced on a number of exported models).

Vespa 150 GS, 1955 - Experts called it "the most popular, imitated and remembered model". There were numerous innovations: the 150 cc engine, 4-speed gearbox, standard long saddle, faired handlebar-headlamp unit, and wheels with 10 tyres. The Vespa could reach 100 km/h. The design also changed, with a much more aerodynamic body.

Vespa 160 GS, 1962 - This was born to continue the market success of the first GS, with a completely new design. The exhaust silencer, carburettor and suspension were also new. The power output was 8.2 bhp at 6,500 rpm.

Vespa 150 GL,1963 - Another new design for what has been called "one of the best-looking Vespas produced by Piaggio designers". The handlebar, trapezoid headlamp, front mudguard and trimmed down rear lids were all new.

Vespa 50, 1964 - The first  Vespa 50 cc. Born to exploit the new Italian Highway Code which made a number plate obligatory on larger engines. Extremely versatile and reliable, the engine featured a new architecture, with the cylinder inclined 45° instead of horizontal. It was the last design to leave Corradino D'Ascanio's drawing board.

Vespa 180 SS, 1965 - It marked a new milestone in the growth of the engine (181.14 cc), with 10 bhp for a top speed of 105 km/h. The 180 SS (Super Sport) replaced the glorious GS 150/160 cc. Piaggio modified the front cowling, making it more aerodynamic, and significantly improving comfort, handling and road holding.

Vespa 125, 1966 - Unofficially known as the new 125, it featured radical innovations in the design, frame, engine (inclined 45°) and suspension.

Vespa Super Sprint 90,1966 - A special series derived from the Vespa 50/90 cc and the new 125, the hold-all was positioned between the saddle and the handlebar for a more laid-back riding style. The handlebar was narrow and low, and the mudguard and cowling were streamlined. With an engine capacity of only 90 cc, it could do 93 km/h. 

Vespa 125Primavera, 1968 - Together with the subsequent PX version, it was the most durable version of the Vespa. It derived from the new 125, but with considerable differences in the engine, which raised the top speed by 10 km/h. Great attention was paid to details, which included the classic, practical bag hook.

 Vespa 180 Rally, 1968 - With this new vehicle, Piaggio extended the rotary timing fuel feed system to its entire production. The engine was new, the front headlamp new and more powerful, the frame, derived from the Vespa 150 Sprint, was narrower and more aerodynamic than that of the Super Sport. Vespa 50Elestart, 1970 - It featured the great novelty of electric ignition, but the design was also completely revised and embellished compared to the 50 Special.

Vespa 200 Rally, 1972 -The Vespa with the largest engine. This model, with 12.35 bhp at 5,700 rpm, could reach 116 km/h. Vespa 125 PrimaveraET3, 1976 -The name stood for Electronic 3 intake ports, and included important changes to the engine, which had more power and sparkle. Even the styling was changed from the standard Primavera (which remained in the range).

Vespa P 125 X, 1978 - The "PX" marked a new step forward in styling (the bodywork was completely redesigned) and performance. The holdall was positioned behind the cowling. 
The same year the P 200 E also appeared, which could be equipped with separate lubrication and direction indicators incorporated in the body. Three years later the PX 150 E was launched, with performance halfway between the two models.

Vespa PK 125, 1983 - This replaced the Vespa Primavera (standard and ET3) which remained in production with the Classic body for the Japanese market, where it was the best-selling western two-wheeler vehicle. The styling was new, and the PK body was completely different from that of previous scooters, because the welds of the body no longer overlapped but were integral.

Vespa PK 50, 1983 - Substantially identical to the PK 125, it appeared in two models, PK 50 and PK 50 S, both with 4-speed gearbox and electronic ignition. 

Vespa PK 125 Automatic, 1984 - An automatic transmission was introduced on the Vespa, probably the most radical change (at least for the driver) since 1946. The presence of the automatic transmission was emphasized by the absence of the brake pedal, which was replaced by a lever on the left handlebar (which did not have to control the clutch as that was automatic). It was also available with automatic oil-petrol mixer and electric ignition. The following year the Vespa PK 50 Automatic was launched. 

Vespa T 5 Pole Position, 1985 - The T 5 was the extra-sporty version of the PX series. With a new engine, aluminum cylinder and 5 intake ports, but the design was also new, particularly at the rear and around the front headlamp which incorporated an aggressive dome with a small plexiglas windscreen. A spoiler was added on the cowling. 

Vespa 50 N, 1989 - The changes to the Italian Highway Code meant that 50 cc vehicles were no longer bound by the 1.5 bhp limit, and Piaggio presented a new small Vespa with improved performance (over 2 bhp at 5,000 rpm), and new, smoother styling. A Speedmatic automatic version was also launched but is no longer in production, while, after two successive face-lifts, the Vespa 50 N is still being produced by Piaggio today.

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

Hidup bahagia dibangun dari keputusan untuk berbahagia
karena dengannya semua pikiran, perasaan dan
tindakan kita akan berfokus pada yang membahagiakan
Hidup itu proses belajar dan berjuang tanpa batas
Jatuh, berdiri lagi....
Kalah, bangun lagi....
Gagal, bangkit lagi....
Jangan hanya terfokus dengan satu ketidakpuasan
Ingat...diluar sana masih banyak orang-orang yang mengarapkan kamu bangkit...

Tuesday, 12 January 2010


Ketika kumohon pada Tuhan Kekuatan,
Tuhan memberikanku kesulitan agar aku menjadi Kuat.

Ketika kumohon Kepada Tuhan kebijaksanaan,
Tuhan memberikan masalah untuk ku pecahkan

Ketika kumohon kepada Tuhan Kesejahteraan,
Tuhan memberiku akal untuk berfikir.

Ketika kumohon pada Tuhan Keberanian,
Tuhan memberikan kontisi bahaya untuk ku atasi.

Ketika kumohon pada Tuhan sebuah Cinta,
Tuhan memberikan orang-orang yang bermasalah untuk ku tolong.

ketika kumohon pada Tuhan Bantuan,
Tuhan memberiakan aku kesempatan.

Aku tak pernah menerima apa yang ku pinta,
tetapi Tuhan selalu memberikan apa yang aku butuhkan.

Selamat jalan...

Seperti biasa…Kamis pagi, Aku berkumpul dengan mereka….Dengan orang-orang yang sangat menyayangi aku….Esok hari nya masih seperti hari-hari kemarin, aku masih saja berkumpul dengan mereka…Hari Sabtu, aku tertawa riang menikmati indah nya alam, menghirup udara segar dan tak sabar menunggu datang nya hari esok. Minggu……..!!!!!!
Hari senin, Aku tak seperti biasa, aku tidak lagi berkumpul dengan sahabat-sahabatku seperti hari-hari kemarin. Ada rasa gundah yang sangat mendalam didada ku….Entah apa itu…….
Sore itu……

Jiwa ku terbang……Asa ku melayang……

Ada keanehan di esok hari nya dimana, aku tak bisa merasakan apa-apa…dimana para sahabat ku, Ayah, ibu dan kerabat lain nya menangis melihat keadaan ku…
Apa yang terjadi??????

Hari Rabu, aku mencoba merasakan kesedihan mereka, Inginku merintih sambil mengatakan kepada mereka aku kesakitan, ingin ku menjerit sekuat tenaga karena aku tak dapat berkumpul dengan mereka……..
Ayah, Ibu,Sahabat…jangan menangis, bukan itu yang aku ingin kan……….
Hari Kamis ada yang hampa dalam hidup ku….Mengapa semua orang menatap iba kepada ku………

Apa yang terjadi Tuhan????

Tak henti-henti nya aku memanggil nama Tuhan dan bertanya pada diri ku sendiri …Apa yang terjadi…
Oh Tuhan, aku merasa Roh ku melayang, Pikiran ku hampa, Tubuh ku terbujur kaku dan yang paling menyakitkan Nafas ku terhenti….
Ayah, Ibu, Sahabat………….Maaf kan aku karena tak sempat menjabat tangan kalian, tersenyum dan memeluk tubuh hangat kalian saat aku hendak pergi…..
Maaf kan aku karena tak sempat melewati hari-hari yang sangat indah bersama kalian…..
Pinta ku……Senyum dan doakan lah aku karena dengan senyum dan doa kalian akan membawa ketenangan dan kebahagian bagi ku….

Jangan menangis di kubur ku….Jangan menangisi ku
Tubuh ku di situ tapi jiwa ku tak disitu….
Jiwa ku menyatu dengan jiwa kalian karena aku sayang kalian………